Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Truth about Living

Every day, we wake up with a new day.  A fresh start to create or recreate our lives. We don't always look at it that way, {we usually wake up and think of our daily routines, work, school, dinner, kids, etc..} But if we really think about it, we have the chance to change things from the day before, the week before, and even the year before. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit...
hab·it (hbt)n.1.
a. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition.
 There are good habits and bad habits. I want to get rid of some old habits of doing the same thing, expecting different results {thats insanity!} And work on some good habits, better eating habits, excersizing, and making better overall choices, one day at  a time!..
O.K. so I want to create a Habit of blogging daily.. It starts today: Sunday, Febuary 24,2013.

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